I have been making crystal grids right and left lately. After I became a Level III Stone Grid Practitioner in 2013, I made a grid here or there. I occasionally set up a few grids for myself, other family members, or to attract more abundance into my life. Then I began setting up grids for friends - one who has cancer, one who wants to stop smoking, and so on.
But recently I got inspired to do a heck of a lot more! I started setting one up weekly for my Facebook Reiki Distant Healing event that I do for my Facebook Reiki group "REIKI FOR YOU AND ME." Now I am even setting up grids for clients for relationship issues and more!
I discovered that making grids is an art form, a very creative outlet, and I LOVE IT! I've always been artistic in one way or the other. I studied Art in College and won 3 scholarships for some of my work, and was a Professional Quilt Maker in Illinois for over 10 years, making over several hundred quilts and craft items.
A few new things I've learned about grids is that the center crystal/stone (also referred to as the anchor stone) should be bigger than any of the other crystals/stones in the grid (the supporting stones), according to the author Hibiscus Moon in her book "Crystal Grids - How and Why They Work." This was new information for me and I've studied Crystal Healing for many, many years, so I am going to be putting that to the test.
Additionally, I took pictures of the grids that I set up for the Distant Reiki Healing weekly event and posted them on a Crystal Healing Facebook group I'm in, and also sent some of the pics to a few participants of the event. I started getting reports from people that they could feel the energy of the grid flowing out to them just from the picture, even after I had taken the grid down and cleared all the stones, and maybe even re-used some to make other grids. Again, NEW INFORMATION FOR ME, and astonishing!!!!!! The energy somehow still exists in some kind of form and can be transmitted though a photograph. WOW!!!!!
So if you are drawn to work with crystals/stones I highly recommend that you begin experimenting with Crystal Grids. Here is a couple of internet links to get you started:
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