There’s a lot of controversy in the Reiki world about “
asking permission” when sending Distant Reiki Healing to someone. If you
don’t know what Distant Reiki Healing is, it can be thought of as a form of
prayer, except that we send Reiki healing energy to whomever is in need of
healing. Sending Distant Reiki Healing is
a process that Reiki Practitioners perform in a ritualistic way using
particular Reiki symbols whose vibration and purpose are to do specific things
that have healing frequencies, or open a portal of sorts that allows the energy
to flow to the intended person or recipient.
It is necessary for us to ask permission telepathically or
energetically from the person we are
sending the healing energy to unless they have requested it. Many times a family member or friend will ask
us to send Distant Reiki healing energy to someone who has no knowledge of the
request, or even what Reiki is. Their belief system may not be aligned with
Reiki, and that’s why asking permission is so important.
When we pray for
someone, we can ask for whatever outcome we wish, knowing somewhere deep inside
that God/the Creator/Great Spirit (whatever you want to call him/her) knows
what’s best for the person with the issues, so what’s best for them will take place, no
matter what outcome we desire.
One issue that comes up around this however is their soul
contract. A person may have a soul
contract that this lifetime they will contract some form of cancer and die from
it, experiencing all that there is to experience from having this disease and
going through the death process of having it as a way to grow their soul. We come on to the Earth Plane to learn
lessons to grow our soul. We will
experience every form of disease and death and be every race, religion and
gender and so on, in endless cycles of death and rebirth for this purpose. Reiki will not interfere with their contract,
no matter what we intend.
Reiki cannot interfere with someone’s contract and heal them
of cancer, or horrific damage to the body after a near fatal car accident, or a
heart attack so severe that there is no way their heart in that state can
become whole again, if it is not in their contract to do so. Some practitioners may say something like “ I
am sending Distant Reiki Healing to _______
for (whatever issue it is they
have) with their permission, intending that Reiki flow for their highest and
greatest good.” Others feel
that we can ask permission from their higher self or soul, Ex: “with
permission from their higher self or soul”, in order to bypass the ego
mind. However, many practitioners
feel that asking permission of ones soul
this way is a violation and therefore feel it‘s improper or cheating in a way. I’ve
also heard that it can produce some form of negative karma for
the practitioner.
I think it’s up to the individual Reiki Practitioner how
they want to handle this issue. I
personally say “with their permission”,
and that’s what I teach my students.
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